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Posts tagged ‘tips’

“How to Write Effectively” – Startup Guide for anyone wanting to write.

Penning down some of the things that you might consider as your best friend to write a post that communicates and narrates rather than just inform. Consider them as your best friends in crafting an effective post to speak what you feel and experience and know.

Tip to Craft an Effective Post

Tip to Craft an Effective Post

1) Right from the start of the line. use proper punctuation. Make subject clear to the reader.

2) Use words, reading which one can easily understand what you want to say.

3) Use long sentence in the header, in case you cannot convey in a word or two.

4) Don’t separate yourself from the audience, if you are conveying a lesson you have learnt.
Use the words  : ‘Us’, ‘Ours’, ‘We’  than ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘mine’.

5) Remove repetitive lines. This, you will learn to unlearn, when you keep reading. You will soon get to know what words are repetitive.

6) When you are attempting to write a conversation, use punctuation and express the right question. Imagine someone is actually sitting in front of you. How will you talk?
Remember the pause you take, even that pause makes the conversation understandable.

Consider this sample sentence :

1) Are we going to be happy forever after that?
2) Are we going to be happy after that, forever?

See how just a change in position of the last three words and the punctuation, comma makes the difference!
First line is so straightforward.
Make it involving. Like a dialogue. How will you talk in actually, like that!  Then it will engage the audience more in your writing. Just like how the conversations run in the mind, just put them like that, word to word.

Now, have a look at this sentence : “No, then there will be another desire..& it will go on…”

This sentence might puzzle someone : What will go on?

So many times, we are clear in our mind, of what we want to say and take it for granted, that people will understand it.

To avoid any questions, write it giving references, deliberately – with purpose.

So a revised sentence could be : “No, then there will be another desire &  this cycle of wanting something & desiring for more will go on..”

Involve the audience in your writing.

So, How did the question arise in your head? Say that sincere question!
Avoid “I” whenever you can if you are talking about a lesson. Use We, Us, Lets. This creates a feeling of inclusion, that the lesson and the learning is normal and part of all of us.

Another set of sentences :
1) “May i get that something or not. My happiness is not going to change according to my desires.”

2 )
“Whether i get that something or not, my happiness is not going to change according to my desires.”
Take this firm decision.

Observe both sentences, in the first, the point is made but left with a statement. Second one emphasizes the urgency.

So remember, When you make a strong point, emphasize on it.

Here – “Take this firm decision” is an emphasis. You stress on that line again.

Deliver the impact, don’t wait for the audience to get that experience, give that experience.

( Sentence 1 )

“Now you are Happy”

( Sentence 1 – edited )

“That confidence & faith will bring peace in you and eventually make you happy.”

Be clear in giving the experience.

What makes me happy? What would make me happy? It is that feeling of confidence and faith that will make me happy.

So you see, we have got that learning, we have experienced, but we take it for granted and skip it with habit and thus end up not expressing the sentence completely.

(  Sentence 2 )

“Now you can take tension free steps to get anything in life (as you are already Happy)”

( Sentence 2 – edited )

“You will feel ready to take steps to achieve anything in life.”

Frame it correctly. Sometimes you may write something and then realize, oh! something is missing.

So re-write it again.
The last word should leave the reader complete, with the experience.

The last word should leave the reader, complete with experience.

But How is that going to happen?

1) Write it from the first thought to the last thought.

2) Use proper pause. Use commas and punctuation and write in full words, avoid shortcuts – short words – SMS/chat language.

3) Write more. Read whenever you can. You will see a lot of how to write in flow in write-ups that engage you more in the write-up 🙂

Involve the audience, lead them into a conversation. 🙂

Write first, add punctuations then.

Take a break and read it again. 🙂

Sometimes we write being emotional or in the feeling of Aho Niranajana – When it clicks and so we miss out on writing the tiny details that make it a experience.

So take a break and re-read it after some time and then again overlook the flow, the punctuation and make the necessary edits 🙂

and last of all, don’t worry how the audience will take you – they might or might not appreciate you. Just take the lesson of writing and move on.

Improve on writing. Don’t feel down by critics. 🙂

Even you can be an awesome writer!

At least just this intention and practice is good enough :))

remember :

Thumb rule to write well by Aristotle

Thumb rule to write well by Aristotle